Techno-News Blog

September 5, 2012

Apple, Samsung Patent Verdict: 10 Ways It Could Affect Google

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

By: Don Reisinger, eWeek

Apple on Aug. 24 was awarded a $1.05 billion ruling by a jury in San Jose, Calif., that found that Samsung had violated several of the iPhone maker’s patents. Now, Apple is trying to have a host of Samsung products banned from sale in the United States, and Samsung, desperate to not let that happen, has already indicated that it’ll do everything in its legal power to have the ruling reversed. As one might expect, much of the attention surrounding the trial has centered on Apple and Samsung. However, there are other companies that will be affected by it. Chief among them is Google. Google is best known as a search company, but Android and Google’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility has made it a mobile market giant. Make no mistake about it, the Android operating system is as much a part of this legal mess as Samsung. Google will be impacted greatly by the ruling.

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