Techno-News Blog

August 18, 2012

More Grist for the iPad Mini Rumor Mill

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:19 am

by David Zax, Technology Review

He’d said a 7-inch tablets would be “dead on arrival.” He called them, in an earnings call, “tweeners: too big to compete with a smartphone and too small to compete with the iPad.” But a document that has emerged from the Apple-Samsung patent battles shows that in fact, Steve Jobs eventually came around to the idea of a 7-inch tablet. In a January 2011 email, Vice President Eddy Cue wrote to Tim Cook (not yet CEO, but rather COO), “There will be a 7-inch market and we should do one. I expressed this to Steve several times since Thanksgiving and he seemed very receptive the last time… I found email, books, Facebook, and video very compelling on a 7-inch. Web browsing is definitely the weakest point, but still usable.”

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