Techno-News Blog

May 4, 2019

Artificial Intelligence vs. Cognitive Computing in Education: How They Differ?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by Matthew Lynch, Tech Edvocate

Cognitive computing is an extension of AI with one significant added component: cognitive computing systems are able to interact with humans using natural language.  IBM defines cognitive computing as,” systems that learn at scale, reason with purpose and interact with humans naturally. Rather than being explicitly programmed, they learn and reason from their interactions with us and from their experiences with their environment.” The big difference here being that cognitive computing agents are able to interact naturally with humans. AI are systems that follow a complicated set of rules to arrive at outcomes. Their usefulness is limited to structured data; they are not able to process unpredictable, nonlinear data, like natural speech. On the other hand, cognitive systems are probabilistic, meaning they can handle probabilities and uncertainties. They are able to make sense out of the changeability of unstructured information.

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