Techno-News Blog

December 21, 2018

Minerva Project: A Curriculum to Copy?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:17 am

By Paul Fain, Inside Higher Ed

The Minerva Project’s big contribution to higher education might not be its vision of an elite, global university, but the groundbreaking curriculum it hopes to export to universities around the world. Much of the attention the Minerva Project received around its much-watched launch in 2012 focused on the start-up’s lofty goal of creating an elite “Ivy League 2.0” university, with top traditional-age students doing immersive stints at campus locations around the world while also taking online courses. But Minerva’s biggest success so far is its curriculum, which the university describes as a systematic rethinking of the liberal arts. The nonbuzzy approach hearkens back to higher education’s roots with a focus on practical, vocational knowledge, and is drawing attention from both traditional academics and would-be disrupters. “They’re focused on the learning outcomes that we feel are most critical,” said Lynn Pasquerella, president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities.

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