Techno-News Blog

March 12, 2012

Windows 8 could leapfrog Android to be the true iPad competitor

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Scott Stein, Cnet

Samsung executive Hankii Yoon said at Mobile World Congress, “The best thing to survive in the market is to kill your products.” He was referring to new Samsung Android tablets cannibalizing older ones, but let’s take that comment even further. The first tablet demonstrating Windows 8 at Mobile World Congress was a Samsung one. Sure, Samsung is playing the field, and they’ve made Windows tablets before. However, it only goes to show that if you’re not the one vertically integrating software and hardware, it’s a free-for-all as far as where tablet hardware might evolve next. The iPad isn’t going anywhere: it has huge popularity, a massive app catalog, and dominating market share going for it. However, that spot at #2 seems wide open.;topStories

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