Techno-News Blog

March 5, 2012

Why business co-founders ought to learn code

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by Ben Parr, CNET

A few days ago, an aspiring entrepreneur e-mailed me with a simple question: “Do you need to be an expert in coding to build a successful startup, or can you employ experts to do the technical work for you?” This person has demonstrated success as a businessman and a salesman, but he caught the entrepreneurship bug and couldn’t shake it. He wanted to start his own company. I knew what he wanted to hear: You don’t need to know how to code to start an Internet business! It can and has been done! Instead, this is what I told him: “You have to code, not because you need to be good at it, but because technical employees are far more likely to follow a founder with technical experience.”

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