Techno-News Blog

June 19, 2018

How to Create Successful and sustainable Makerspaces in Low-Income and Rural Schools

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:27 am

by Matthew Lynch, Tech Edvocate

What if you could offer students in low-income and rural schools a technology-based opportunity to develop the creative genius you know they have? You’d provide a makerspace where students could explore, create, invent, and learn through authentic experiences. To make a dream like this successful and sustainable, the key ingredient lies in finding ways to make it tangible.  Although the idea behind the makerspace is to promote playful exploration, developing pathways within the space can improve sustainability. Sustainability in your makerspace will lead to success, but the caveat here is to monitor the pathways to eliminate possible stereotyping and inequalities. Examples include pathways that are gender or race exclusive. Instead, the focus must remain on inclusiveness, even allowing makers to opt in and out of pathways.

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