Techno-News Blog

May 4, 2018

Adult workers and postsecondary credentials

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by American Association of Community Colleges

According to data recently released by the National Center for Education Statistics, most adults in the workforce (58 percent) either have a postsecondary degree or some other form of workforce credential, including postsecondary certificates, occupational licenses or occupational certifications. This is higher than the 45 percent of adult workers with postsecondary credentials using traditional measures that only looked at postsecondary degrees (associate degree or higher). Over one in 10 adult workers (13 percent) indicated that they had no postsecondary degree, but had some form of nondegree credential. Over half (56 percent) of the non-degreed adult workers who had one or more non-degree credentials had an occupational
license; 43 percent had a postsecondary certificate, and 21 percent had an occupational certification. These data provide a better understanding of the diverse training background of the working adult population in the United States.

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