Techno-News Blog

November 27, 2011

Nook Tablet Review Roundup

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by David Zax, Technology Review

How does it measure up to the Kindle Fire? A few weeks back, Barnes and Noble announced it would be launching a new tablet for $249 to compete with the Kindle Fire. We knew the most basic specs of the device–memory, size, and reported battery life, all of which measured up favorably when compared to the Fire. Now that reviewers across the country are getting their versions of the tablet, does it seem worth running out to buy? Overall, the reviews out there are favorable, with caveats. There is excitement over some of the things the Nook does better–its video performance, for instance–while there’s frustration over the things it does worse–its lack of a direct music and video store.

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