Techno-News Blog

September 21, 2011

MSU researchers break ground in fingerprint technology

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By Stephen Brooks, MSU

People who alter their fingerprints to avoid identification now might be caught red-handed thanks to new technology developed by MSU university distinguished professor of computer science and engineering Anil Jain. Jain began work on technology with the power to detect fingerprints that have undergone physical alteration more than two years ago with the help of Soweon Yoon, a computer science doctoral student, and another colleague who currently works in the biometrics field in China. Morpho, one of the largest fingerprint and identification companies in the world, now has licensed the technology developed by Jain and his team. “Initially, we started with a small amount of funding ­— it was a short-term project to see the feasibility,” Jain said. “Now it is being supported by a much larger grant from the FBI Biometric Center of Excellence.” Jain declined to comment on the specific amount of the grant.

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