Techno-News Blog

December 21, 2017

Data is key to improving campus outcomes — but infrastructure challenges are holding it back

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:16 am

by Autumn A. Arnett, Education Dive
In a new paper released Thursday morning, the American Council on Education lays out the case for higher ed executives to “prioritize the creation of a campus-wide analytics culture focused on the use of data to promote equity and inclusion, improve student outcomes, develop more inclusive environments, and create more holistic resource strategies.”  Developed from a series of meetings with over 40 higher ed leaders who shared their challenges with leveraging data, the paper identifies the “structural, cultural and technical obstacles” inhibiting higher ed leaders from becoming “data-enabled executives” who prioritize a culture of data analysis that helps move the needle for students and the campus overall. A lack of technical and human infrastructure is usually the biggest hindrance to institutions’ ability to really leverage data in meaningful ways to affect campus culture. Governance, a lack of a business intelligence strategy, inconsistent metadata and data definitions, and poor data integration are also issues.

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