Techno-News Blog

November 24, 2017

A Seat at the Coursetable

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:19 am

by Jordan Powell, Yale Herald
I, too, arrived on campus, wondering what it would be like to sit in a classroom with Claudia Rankine, or daydream in the back of Akhil Amar’s lecture after months of hearing my father gush over his favorite legal scholar. And I was bemoaning the fact that I’d have to wait until the spring to take “Death” with Shelly Kagan when my friend told me over a plate of Yale Mac ‘n Cheese that Kagan’s lectures had been available online for the past 10 years. Indeed this is true: lectures by the university’s most notable faculty from Jonathan Holloway to David Blight can be found online, accompanied by required course materials such as readings, exams, and homework on a platform known as Open Yale Courses (OYC), started by program director and Dunham Professor in the History of Art Diana E.E. Kleiner in 2001. The goal of the program is to expand the accessibility of a Yale education to the general public through an online platform.

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