Techno-News Blog

August 18, 2011

Google to Enforce Real Name Policy After 4 Days

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By: Clint Boulton, eWeek

Google+ users who opt to use fake profile names will get a 4-day grace period to shape up or ship out. Google will suspend the accounts of those not in compliance. Google is now giving Google+ users who violate its real name policy by using fake names or pseudonyms four days to get in compliance before it suspends user profiles. Google+ requires its 25 million-plus users to create Google user profiles, public pages on the Web that users may fill out “to help connect and find real people in the real world.” The company argues that by providing a common name, users will be assisting their friends, family members, classmates, co-workers and other acquaintances to find and create “a connection with the right person online.”

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