Techno-News Blog

October 27, 2017

Move over, Bitcoin: Ethereum is the next big thing in cryptocurrency

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by Mashable

While both Bitcoin and Ethereum are public blockchain networks, Bitcoin only offers one use of the blockchain technology: a digital monetary system that can be used for online Bitcoin payments. The Ethereum blockchain, on the other hand, uses a more advanced scripting language that allows it to run the programming code of virtually any decentralized app, from title registries to electronic voting systems. What’s more, Ethereum’s cryptocurrency (called the ether) runs on “smart contracts,” a type of blockchain technology that uses an “if:then” system — meaning it can only be traded if certain conditions are met. It’s easy to see why Ethereum has quickly become the second most valuable cryptocurrency on the market just two years after its launch. With the help of The Complete Ethereum Blockchain Mastery Bundle, a collection of four online courses taught by Certified Bitcoin Professional Ravinder Deol, you can become an early adopter of this valuable new cryptocurrency and reap the resultant rewards for less than $30.

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