Techno-News Blog

July 18, 2017

California, Pennsylvania disrupt the two-year business model

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by Pat Donachie, Education Dive

California and Pennsylvania are making efforts to boost enrollment in their community college systems, utilizing different approaches to target underrepresented student populations, according to Inside Higher Ed. A California proposal seeks to close gaps caused by declining enrollment over the last 10 years by creating an online-only college which targets unemployed or underemployed adults who may want additional schooling. Pennsylvania is looking to use an “interactive television” model to reach students in rural areas. The Rural Regional College of Northern Pennsylvania will target students living in nine counties in the northwestern part of the state where there are no public community colleges. The state’s Department of Education approved the new school last month, where students will interact on television with an instructor teaching students live.

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