Techno-News Blog

May 29, 2011

Six Biggest Rising Threats from Cybercriminals

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By John Brandon, Computerworld

Hackers never sleep, it seems. Just when you think you’ve battened down the hatches and fully protected yourself or your business from electronic security risks, along comes a new exploit to keep you up at night. It might be an SMS text message with a malevolent payload or a stalker who dogs your every step online. Or maybe it’s an emerging technology like in-car Wi-Fi that suddenly creates a whole new attack vector.Whether you’re an IT manager protecting employees and corporate systems or you’re simply trying to keep your own personal data safe, these threats — some rapidly growing, others still emerging — pose a potential risk. Fortunately, there are some security procedures and tools available to help you win the fight against the bad guys.

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