Techno-News Blog

January 29, 2017

Is Online Learning Better for Introverts?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:17 am

By TNT Magazine

According to a recent Forbes article, online learning is still just getting started as an industry. Forbes also made a prediction that a ‘new world of curation and collaboration tools’ will be coming this year. Just imagine the effect on education. Introversion is a personality trait that defines the stimulation a person needs in order to be productive and motivated. Generally, introverts thrive on less stimulating learning environments and prefer solitude. As Indiana University Professor Curt Bonk states, when subscribed to an online course “you can respond an hour later or a day later – whenever you feel you have contemplated on the idea enough”, which takes pressure off the ‘raise your hand’ moment, where introverts often withdraw. Online learning allows students to process their thoughts and formulate questions in their own time. They have a choice to ask for help or browse online resources for the relevant topic or answer. This type of learning can be likened to postgraduate research.

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