Techno-News Blog

October 28, 2015

Mobile Learning: Apps vs. Web?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed

If I worked for any of the open online learning platforms – EdX or Coursera or NovoEd or OpenLearn – I’d create a dedicated mobile only team. I’d send the team to China (or India) and have them design an open app learning platform from scratch. I would accept that the future of higher education is in the emerging countries of East and South Asia, Africa, and South America. If the future of learning is digital, and the digital future of learning is mobile, will that future unfold on the mobile web or the app? Do learning platform providers have the bandwidth to code for both the mobile web and the app? Is trying to do both mobile web and apps for education limiting the quality and reach of both?

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