Techno-News Blog

September 5, 2015

These 10 trends are shaping the future of education

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am
by Roger Riddell, Education Dive
It’s an exciting time to be in education. The longstanding operating models for both higher ed and K-12 are both in a state of flux, and while demands for innovation probably won’t create an all-new landscape, the resulting product of ongoing changes is likely to be unrecognizable compared to that of the last several decades. And while some challenges and changes are exclusive to one sector, a few see some overlap between K-12 and postsecondary learning.  From alternative credentialing and changing demographics to testing concerns and the rise of STEM, here are 10 trends currently shaping the future of education.

by Roger Riddell, Education Dive

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