By Jeff Dunn, Edudemic
Are you tweeting a RLRT that’s NSFW and a MT? Did that sentence look like total nonsense? Do you hate acronyms? Me too! Does it mean you should avoid knowing what people are talking about on Twitter? No. In an effort to get you up to speed on the current language of Twitter, Mashable created this handy visual guide to Twitter lingo. It features just some of the countless acronyms and symbols that every Twitter user should know. From hashtags to mentions, there’s a lot going on with every tweet. It’s actually quite incredible to see how far it’s all come. Just a few years ago (before Twitter), this stuff was only used in email. Even then, not on a regular basis. Now with Twitter, it’s everywhere! Did you know all these symbols and acronyms? Which are new to you? Which are some that are being left out? Add yours (where else?!) by mentioning @edudemic on Twitter and I’ll retweet them!
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