Educational Technology

October 16, 2020

Some professors struggle with distance learning

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

Dejania Oliver, the FAMUan

Since universities started to shut down around the country in late February, professors wondered what would happen for the upcoming year. Now that schools are midway through the fall term, professors have noted the difficulties of virtual teaching. Dealing with technology issues and the ongoing pandemic, many educators have decided the stress is too much to bear. According to a nationwide poll done by the National Education Association (NEA),28 percent of teachers said the COVID-19 pandemic has made them more likely to retire early or leave the profession. There is a lot of pressure on educators now. Not only do they have to navigate new technology, but they have the enormous responsibility of making sure their students still receive quality education. This is a time of change for everyone, and teachers have had to find ways to cope with that change.

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