Educational Technology

March 9, 2013

Redefining Accreditation: From Courses to Competencies

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

by Elizabeth Rudd, Innovation Management

As demand grows for alternatives to the traditional model of earning a university degree based on coursework, a new model where universities grant degrees based on skills competencies is gaining momentum and credibility. The education industry is under increasing pressure to prove its relevancy, provide value and meet the needs of students, employers and industry. Discussion of the need for innovation in higher education is increasing. One of the challenges of degree programs is finding the balance between cost, time and quality. Traditionally earning a college degree is a combination of credits, classes and tuition. But not any more. A newer model is gaining popularity- one which doesn’t require credits, or courses- just competencies. Through a series of competency based assessments, if a student can meet the degree requirements, the university will issue a degree. Knowledge can be acquired from anywhere- no credits and no actual courses need be completed at the university issuing the degree.

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