Educational Technology

July 30, 2019

Governments take first, tentative steps at regulating AI

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:31 am

By James McCusker, Herald Net

State legislatures in New York and New Jersey have proposed legislation that represents the first, tentative steps at regulation. While the two proposed laws are different, they both have elements of information gathering about the risks to such things as privacy, security and economic fairness.  Both states owe a debt to the New York City’s efforts to understand what AI is, exactly, so it could be defined in law. The initial group established by the City Council could not agree on a definition, which may explain why some of the proposed laws aim at algorithm-based decisions rather than the broader concept of AI. This may be a good start to regulating the use of algorithms in the stock market – the city’s primary interest — but clearly leaves a lot undone.

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