Educational Technology

July 29, 2019

Virtual schools altering landscape of Hoosier public education

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

Sue Loughlin, CNHI News Indiana

In 2016-17, the district, which is located southeast of Muncie near the Ohio state line, had just 256 students in grades K-12. But the school board began working with a private education corporation, K12, to start a virtual or online program — called Indiana Digital Learning School. Total enrollment jumped to 937 in 2017-18 and an eye-opening 3,371 students statewide in 2018-19, according to the state Department of Education. Indiana Digital Learning School is an online public school program of the Union School Corp. K12 Inc., a for-profit company that provides online education, is under contract to the school district to operate its virtual programs.

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