Educational Technology

September 11, 2012

Why Online Education Could Lead to Greater Equality

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

by Justin Douglas, Policy Mic

As we have moved away from the industrial age that dominated much of the last century into this new technological age, it would be a failure not to not begin familiarizing our children with technology from an early age. It may be too soon to consider the full integration of virtual learning as a distinct learning option for some, but those who accept (or can afford to accept) this option, may be doing their children a favor. There needs to be additional resources provided to make the “choice” of online education more accessible to multiple populations of students. This way, a child’s knowledge of computers, access to technology, and parents’ knowledge and socioeconomic class level does not hinder their choice to participate in virtual education courses. In attempting to be egalitarian by offering virtual education to all students, we will inadvertently be segregating children by socioeconomic status. Students who do not have access to computers at home will be at a great disadvantage and parents who cannot afford to stay at home with their children or afford to pay for a babysitter, would not be able to choose that option. In the end, online education is where we must go in order to progress and better prepare future generations, but we must give our children equal opportunities to succeed.

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