Educational Technology

June 22, 2019

Intellectual Property and Digital Learning: Developing a campus strategy

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:42 am

Edward J. Maloney and Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed

Who owns the content that is created for online and blended courses? The faculty? The institution? Both? Do you know the answer to this question for your school? Would your answer agree with the provost or general counsel? Another way to ask this question is to inquire if the intellectual property policies at your institution have kept up with the digital learning revolution. Back in the days before teaching and learning were digital affairs, the rules governing intellectual property were fairly simple. At most institutions, faculty members owned their IP. If a professor wrote a book or an article, she owned the IP for the book. (Unless she signed away the rights to a publisher or journal, but that’s a different story.) Professors also owned the IP for the lectures that they gave.

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