Educational Technology

May 31, 2019

Students need a boost in wealth more than a boost in SAT scores

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

Andre Perry, Hechinger Report

The College Board creates an adversity score to acknowledge that wealth and race matter. Scores on the widely used SAT and ACT predict adequately only for grades earned in a student’s first year in college. And those scores are worse predictors for black and brown students. On the other hand, scores from the SAT and ACT tests are good proxies for the amount of wealth students are born into. Income tracks with test performance. The more money a student’s parents make, the more likely it is he or she will have a higher score, according to College Board data. The less money you make, the more likely you’ll be denied a chance at a selective institution. The divide between the rich and the poor has widened slightly. The score gap between those who make less than $80,000 and those who make more than that amount has increased from 2012 to 2016, according to a 2016 ACT report.

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