Educational Technology

May 6, 2019

California’s newest college will blend online and face-to-face job training

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

School CEO says college will get a new name to reflect its mission.
Heather Hiles, the first president and CEO of California’s online community college. Even before it debuts its first classes in the fall, the California Online Community College will get a new name, says its president and CEO Heather Hiles. That’s because the school’s title needs to better reflect its goal of offering in-person as well as online job training for adults and to let the public know “what you are talking about,” she said. “The mission is to help people who are underemployed get fully employed. And to use whatever technology and resources are required to make that mandate a reality,” said Hiles, who started in February as the college’s president and CEO .

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