Educational Technology

May 5, 2019

Providing a Clear Path to Advancement for IT Staff

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am

by Michelle Rakoczy, EDUCAUSE Review
Information technology in higher education is under a state of constant change. IT staff need to be able to maintain and grow their technical skills, but what about their overall professional growth? The latest report from the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research—The Higher Education IT Workforce Landscape, 2019—shows that for job success, technical staff also need “Business skills such as effective communication and the ability to manage relationships within the institution.” Many technical staff want to continually grow and for that growth to be recognized, and promotion is one way to achieve that recognition. However, many staff do not understand the organizational process for achieving a promotion. According to the report, “Promoting employees internally results in better performance evaluations, with employees staying in their position longer than external hires.” Given how difficult it can be to recruit many IT positions, retention is very important in higher education.

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