Educational Technology

May 5, 2012

Assessment Tech Shows Teachers Instant Results

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:36 am

By Tanya Roscorla, Converge

Teacher Ingrid Oyen doesn’t have to guess whether her students grasp a concept. She pulls out her mobile interactive whiteboard and posts a question from an assessment bank. The third-graders in her class use their student response pads and answer the questions that are projected on a classroom surface such as a regular whiteboard. Then Oyen watches as the third-graders’ names stream onto her device with their answers. These daily formative assessments and interactive tools have saved Oyen time. And they’ve also helped her classroom make significantly higher achievement gains compared to other classes in Salt Creek 48 School District, said Mark Hupp, technology director of the Illinois district. “It isn’t cheap to implement these tools, but this is one of the few technologies where I see definitive achievement gain,” Hupp said. “This is a technology that really drives achievement, and that to me is really why we’re here.” Since the beginning of the year, students scored higher on their daily formative assessments. They also scored higher on a predictive growth model developed by research and analytics consulting firm ECRA Group.

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