Educational Technology

March 17, 2012

Is it Time?

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

by Martin Fleming, Gateway News

We can reduce the load the younger children and older students carry, we can provide instant test results, reducing the educators load of taking work home to grade., grades for test automatically recorded to save the educator time, state and federal reports satisfied by the system, greater participation of the students who all love working with technology, excitement in the classroom creating the desire to learn more than the next student, or the excitement in the student that is learning as much as the next. The student inherits the feeling of being just as important as the next and wants to show off their newfound skills. All the textbooks for every class built in. Tablets can be utilized to access the schools books, library, courses, and many more features of the district at the tap or stroke of a finger. Many different classes with the same field such as biology could be combined and an educator available in the field guiding each student in their choice of study working as a facilitator of sorts.

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