Educational Technology

July 10, 2018

Student Data Brokers: Shady Practices Put Private Student Data on the Open Market

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

By Ariel Fox Johnson, THE Journal

Most of us are only vaguely aware of the shadowy data brokers, who buy, sell, and bundle our personal information — taking things like age, grocery purchases, education, address, magazine subscriptions, favorite apps and number of children (along with thousands of other data points, per an FTC report) to categorize us into segments like “Thrifty Elders,” “Resolute Renters” or “Metro Parents.” But even fewer people know that a marketplace for student information exists as well. And that this market may be fed by unwitting students, who turn over sensitive information that they believe they must provide in order to learn about educational opportunities and scholarships.

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