Educational Technology

February 28, 2012

iPad 3: Predictions and Challenges

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am

by Tom Kaneshige, CIO

The iPad 3 is on deck. Kyle Wiens, what are your predictions?

Wiens: I anticipate the iPad 3 will have basically the same form factor but with double the screen resolution. A Retina display, or four times the pixels, would be the goal. Although I haven’t run the numbers, it all depends on how far you hold it from your face. It’ll be very close to the Retina display. There might also be a high-resolution camera. To go with this, Apple will have to up the graphics processor. Right now it’s a dual-core, gigahertz-ish processor, but I think there are a lot of improvements down the pike for graphics performance on iPads. (In its iPhone 4S teardown, iFixit found that the A5 dual-core processor with 512 MB RAM fell short of 1 GB.) Have you seen Infinity Blade 2 on the iPhone? It’s gorgeous. The graphics are just awesome. You can’t really see pixels or flaws. But on the iPad, there’s notably lower resolution. That’s because the iPhone and iPad use the same graphics processor (while screen sizes are different). Apple needs to up their game on the iPad.

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