Educational Technology

April 24, 2018

Are High School Diplomas Really a Ticket to College and Work?

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am


By Laura Jimenez and Scott Sargrad, Center for American Progress

The authors reviewed high school coursework requirements for each state, including Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and uncovered major problems with the expectations states set to receive a basic, nonadvanced high school diploma. First, most of these requirements fail to meet the admissions criteria for states’ respective public university systems. Second, these requirements leave many decisions up to students, such as which math courses to take to fulfill coursework requirements; without sufficient preparation or guidance counseling, students may take courses that are misaligned with their postsecondary aspirations. And third, without sufficient resources to ensure that all students can meet rigorous coursework requirements, problems such as tracking students into less rigorous courses and using nefarious practices to get students across the graduation finish line will persist.

Are High School Diplomas Really a Ticket to College and Work?

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