Educational Technology

April 23, 2011

To Profs, YouTube Tops Twitter

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by Steve Kolowich, Inside Higher Education

Probing the uses of nine different types of social media among professors, the study found that professors consider YouTube the most useful tool by far — for both teaching and non-classroom professional use. Nearly a third of respondents said they instructed students to watch online videos as homework, and about 73 percent said they thought YouTube videos were either somewhat or very valuable for classroom use, regardless of whether they use them currently. Other Web 2.0 tools fared less well among the professors — particularly the tools with the most currency in broader culture. Only 2 percent of the professors said they used Twitter in class, and another 2 percent said they used it for professional purposes outside the classroom. Slightly more said they could see at least some value in the microblogging site, but those long-sellers still amounted to less than a tenth of all respondents.

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