Educational Technology

March 25, 2016

19 Atlanta students suspended for cheating in online classes

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:40 am

By Molly Bloom,The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Nineteen students accused of cheating on online courses have been suspended froman Atlanta high school. An Atlanta Public Schools spokeswoman called the case “an isolated incident.” The alleged cheating comes after staff at the same school warned the school board that students in online classes were awarded grades they did not earn. And it comes a year after students at another Atlanta high school used a teacher’s account to change online course grades. In Atlanta, as in many districts nationally, more students are taking classes online as part of regular instruction and to make up credit for failed classes. Atlanta’s expanding use of online classes includes the use of “blended learning” at Crim, which entails online coursework supervised by in-person teachers.

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