Educational Technology

July 20, 2015

APS virtual summer school pilot: Online or off course?

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

by Maureen Downey, Atlanta Journal Constitution

Nearly 800 high school students in the Atlanta Public Schools attended an online summer school that had to be overhauled when it became clear it wasn’t moving students fast or far enough. Along with adding two days to the 16-day summer term, APS discarded the online component and brought in teachers for small group instruction. In a bit of artful dodging to the question of the program’s success, Strickland said, “As the world of technology evolves and provides increased opportunities for the individualization of education, APS is committed to embracing innovative practices that ensure more students are successful. With that innovation, however, comes the expectation that there will be a steep learning curve, and that not every implementation will go flawlessly.”

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