Educational Technology

May 29, 2015

Best of the Best: Apple and Google Educator Programs

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am

By Sarah Muthler, Edudemic

Can you imagine life without Google? How about without your iPad? Both Apple and Google products have become indispensable to many teachers. And both companies have designed programs for educators who want to make the best use of technology in their jobs. If you feel that you need more technological training, or if you want to take on a leadership role to help push your school into the modern, high-tech age, these programs might be for you. And they aren’t limited to classroom teachers. Librarians often need to be the go-to source for information technology, and principals might want to stay a step ahead of what is happening in the classroom. We’ve gathered the details on the Apple Distinguished Educator program and the Google Educator program. So whether you’re an Apple devotee or a Google aficionado, you’ll know how to take the next step in your educational journey.

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