Online Learning Update

January 11, 2014

Why Do Professors Spend Their Precious Time in Teaching MOOCs When They Are Not Getting Paid for That?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:06 am

by Igor Markov, Huffington Post

Good question. Some universities count Coursera teaching toward regular teaching obligations. In other words, the university pays the teacher to teach on Coursera. One of my colleagues taught a course on Coursera out of interest and is not doing it again. But his course is now fully-automated and can be offered w/o his active participation (and has been). Keep in mind that some people like to teach and don’t worry about money. For example, at Stanford, you may find local professionals teaching for free — it’s a privilege. Coursera is essentially the same way, but less selective and with the bonus that your course will live forever.

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