Josh Kim, Inside Higher Ed
Josh Kim: Dr. Vickie Cook is among the most well-known and respected leaders and scholars in the world of higher education and online learning. I’m honored that Vickie agreed to answer some of my questions about her alternative-academic career….Vickie Cook: I have been very focused on encouraging staff and colleagues to seek out their degree options, to work with organizations outside the university and build networks within the professional community. I also have been very active in a variety of professional organizations such as UPCEA, OLC, and others to assist with the professional development of those who are entering an alternative academic career pathway for the first time. At the end of the day, universities must meet the needs of their students by providing strong teaching, strong research opportunities, and the ability to demonstrate a positive effect on our world. No small task. But, the good news is, we have good people across the country that will help move higher ed forward.
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