Online Learning Update

September 30, 2012

Startups put new spin on online teaching

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Ellen Lee, San Francisco Chronicle

Eren Bali spent his early years in a one-room schoolhouse in a remote village in southeast Turkey. One teacher taught all the students. Highly motivated to learn more, Bali poked around on the Internet and taught himself advanced mathematics. When he was 15, he won the gold medal in Turkey’s National Mathematical Olympiad and went on to receive the silver in the International Mathematical Olympiad. That experience opened doors for Bali and has fueled his effort to create Udemy, an online learning resource. “That changed my whole life,” Bali said about winning the awards as a teenager. “I started Udemy so other people could make big moves in their lives.”

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