Online Learning Update

September 19, 2012

In MOOCs: More is less and less is more (Part 3)

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by Learner Weblog

Whilst we have more MOOCs emerging and evolving, what would happen if some MOOCs succeeded and some failed? What we need are those MOOCs which would sustain the test of time, those MOOCs of ages, rather than MOOCs which could apparently fix a short term crisis in education when the whole education business is subject to severe competition and a quest for efficiency. We have seen too many businesses failed in the past, and so I wouldn’t be surprised to find lots of failures in MOOCs in a fragile global economy. That is a reality. In conclusion, there are different responses to MOOCs, from different perspectives, with some very positive experiences, and others less than positive in MOOCs. x MOOCs would have a long term impact on Higher Education Institutions, educators and learners. There are concerns about its business models and whether they are sustainable in the future. Time will tell if such x MOOCs would evolve into a different form of MOOC that is aligned with the future Higher Education and Learning.

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