Online Learning Update

October 31, 2018

Google to offer on-campus machine learning classes

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:06 am

James Paterson, Education Dive
Google is headed to college campuses next year to teach a 10-week intensive course on machine learning, a fast-growing field for which the tech firm says there are neither enough workers nor faculty to train them, and where the firm is among the top employers. The course is part of Google’s Applied Computing Series, which includes two introductory computer and data science courses currently offered through eight colleges. It is seeking host colleges that don’t have a computer science program or whose program is at capacity. The machine-learning intensive will be offered at five colleges beginning in 2019. Google will pay tuition and offer instructors alongside faculty from the host college. Participants will earn nine credits from the host institution for successfully completing the course.

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