By Alma Linda Manzanares, San Antonio College the Ranger
Psychology Chair Thomas Billimek expressed concern March 7 at Faculty Senate meeting over a proposed revision to a college procedure that requires faculty members who teach online courses to live within a day’s travel of this college. He referred to Procedure I.1, Online Teaching Expectations and Procedure for Exceptions, which states, “Online instructors must be located within a day’s travel of the campus at any time in order to meet with a student in person if they request it, and within 24 hours of the request.” I don’t understand that. I have a real issue with that one,” Billimek said. He said he has an adjunct in his department who lives in Indiana and is unsure if it is possible for the instructor to meet the requirement. Billimek said if an adjunct teaches online courses, it should not matter how far away they are from the student.
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