Online Learning Update

March 24, 2012

Stay Productive in Your Online Learning Classes

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:09 am

by Ryan Carter, Learning Online Info

Completing online classes, you work on and submit your assignments in your own time and in your own way. For most students, that flexibility represents the principal advantage of online study. It can, however, degenerate into the class’s greatest threat, because it allows for lots of avoidance and procrastination. You know that big assignments buried in small print can sneak-up and ambush you. In order to avoid digital disaster, you must restructure all the old school rules to fit with your virtual circumstances. Take advantage of the flexibility built into your online classes, but beware the risk that comes with the flexibility. Most of all, make sure you maintain the foundation of your academic success: Make sure your colleagues and supervisors at work understand the importance of your college study, and make even more certain your family knows what your degree means to you and will mean for their quality of life.

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