by Peter Cownie, Des Moines Register
Is the Internet a good tool to help educate Iowa students in our schools? If yes, how should it be used? Relatively speaking, the Internet is a new product and has not been a regular part of American life for more than about 15 years or so. It has helped create wealth, make unlimited access to information available, and become an invaluable tool in the workplace. I also believe there is a place for online learning in Iowa education. House File 2380, the education reform bill, was debated and passed last week by the Iowa House. House File 2380 is a complex and far-reaching bill. Online learning is an important part of the bill. Part of the online learning piece essentially allows for students to take a class online through the Department of Education if their own school does not offer that class. For example, if a 10th-grader at Baxter High School wants to take German even though that class is not offered at high school, he or she would be able to take German online through the Department of Education.
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