Online Learning Update

October 31, 2011

Faculty concerned with cheating in online learning classes

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

By Sura Khuder, Independent Collegian

Professors have also shown concern for this and requested information from Benjamin Pryor, vice provost of Learning Ventures and dean of the College of Innovative Learning, who presented findings and ways Learning Ventures is approaching the issue of academic dishonesty in online courses. “People will tell you that cheating is rampant in online courses,” Pryor said. “Some faculty and advisors have told me that they don’t know what to do because students have approached them and said they have taken the online courses because they know they can cheat in it.” Pryor said nationwide data is back and forth, some studies show cheating in the same course is lower online compared to a traditional course in a classroom, and other studies show cheating is higher in online courses than in traditional ones.

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