Online Learning Update

April 23, 2017

eLearning turns a boon for students who skip classes

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:02 am


After a year-long practice and competitions in tournaments, Snehit an international table tennis player who barely attends schools, takes a break from his sports activity to appear for his 11th standard final exams. Snehit is always on the move, either for a practice session in Chennai or elsewhere in the world. Yet he manages to get an above average score in his exams. There are many students like Snehit, who could not make it to the classes for various reasons. Some have taken up part-time jobs, some help family businesses, some pursue arts of various forms and others just bunk classes. But when it comes to learning and writing exams, these students have apt tools which help them make up for the classes they missed. Surprisingly, such students fare better in exams than the ones who attend college regularly if not studiously.

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