by Blackboard Blog
The Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning report is now out, with an overview of the latest policies, practices and trends affecting online learning programs across all 50 states. I was honored to serve on the sponsor committee on behalf of Blackboard, providing guidance and leadership on this year’s publication.
Here is some top line information from this year’s report.
- 48 states provide online learning opportunities but no state provides the full range of online learning opportunities identified in the report.
- While K-12 online learning continues to grow rapidly, the shape and pace of growth is uneven between states.
- 450,000 students are currently enrolled in state online programs
- 200,000 students are currently enrolled in full time online programs
- The fastest growing segment of K-12 online learning is in individual school districts. Keeping Pace estimates that 50% of school districts in the nation either have an internal online learning program or are in the planning stages to implement. 1.5 million students participate in district online learning programs.
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