Online Learning Update

May 25, 2014

As Law Schools Recover, Online Learning Part Of The Equation

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am


New Hampshire Bar Association President Jaye Rancourt says online learning is likely have a larger place in legal education, as schools adapt to a changing market. But she says there’s already growing tension between older, more experienced lawyers and the younger generation coming into the field and relying more on email to communicate. “I would hate to see a movement of more younger lawyers coming out of law school relying even more on technology and less on face-to-face contact.” Another part of what may be holding law schools back are restrictions when it comes to accreditation. “Under our rules, a law school may give students up to 12 units of credit for fully online courses toward the Juris doctorate. And the standards, our standards require a minimum of 83 credits to graduate,” said Barry Currier, managing director of accreditation and legal education for the American Bar Association.

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